Tag: RussianAmerican
After the Russian-American meeting in Riyadh, Ukraine is looking for solutions to get out of war
With Riyadh’s discussions, the United States has broken Moscow’s isolation but also marked a turning point on the side of the allies of Ukraine. While for three years, everyone has…
Russian-American relationship “will depend on the United States” after the elections
Vladimir Putin ruled on Thursday, October 24, that his relationship with the United States would depend on Washington’s attitude after the American election and, less than two weeks before the…
Russian-American woman sentenced to 12 years in prison in Russia after donating to Ukrainian foundation
In Russia, Ksenia Karelina was sentenced to twelve years in a penal colony by a court in the Yekaterinburg region on Thursday, August 15. This 33-year-old Russian-American living in Los…
Russian-American journalist jailed for “spreading false information about the Russian army” | News in brief
Alsu Kurmasheva has worked in the Tatar-Bashkir service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. The Russian court ruled against the Russian-American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva on Monday to six and a half…
Prolonged detention for Russian-American reporter
share-arrowShare unsaveSave expand-left fullscreen Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty journalist Alsu Kurmasheva, photographed in a courtroom in Kazan, Russia in February. Archive image. Photo: Vladislav Mikhnevskii/AP/TT Russian-American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva, who…
France facing the Russian-American duopoly – L’Express
In this episode, Julie Thoin-Bousquié, senior reporter specializing in industry at L’Express, explains France’s position on the arms market. READ ALSO >>Arms sales: the new global situation FIND ALL THE…
Russian-American trio on their way to the ISS
The three were launched in a Russian rocket from the Russian-controlled Baikonur space base in Kazakhstan. According to the plans, the American Loral O’Hara will stay on the ISS for…
Russian-American negotiations on Ukraine: “We are in a three-part process…”
A new meeting between Russians and Americans to try to lower the tension in Ukraine takes place this Friday, January 21 in Geneva between the heads of diplomacy of the…
Russian-American talks: “Ukraine is just a chess board where the Great Game is being played”
A week of crucial negotiations for security in Europe has started in Geneva. Russians and Americans are talking face to face to try to defuse the crisis around Ukraine. Analysis…
In Geneva, Russian-American talks on Ukraine, but without the main stakeholders
Russian and American officials will try, from Monday, January 10, to defuse the major crisis that has arisen when Russia has massed tens of thousands of soldiers on the Ukrainian…