Tag: roundabouts
Strange roundabouts arrive on our roads-all motorists will have to know the new rules
The “Dutch” roundabouts are more and more numerous in France. The circulation rules differ from traditional roundabouts. France is the world champion of roundabouts. There are more than 100,000, moreover,…
Practical for making traffic easier and safer, roundabouts have replaced traditional crossroads on the roads of France. But they impose rules of conduct that few people respect.
Practical for making traffic easier and safer, roundabouts have replaced traditional crossroads on the roads of France. But they impose rules of conduct that few people respect. Roundabouts are road…
Marie Blachère, a very French phenomenon: investigation into the bakery of “roundabouts”
They have grown at the entrance to our cities, in these ultra-urbanized but very sparsely populated no-man’s lands between town and country, where roundabouts are kings and sidewalks almost non-existent.…
in Oran, the roundabouts of hope for African migrants
In the city center of Oran, dozens of African migrants, who arrived in Algeria after long journeys, walk the Palais d’Or and Canastel roundabouts daily. They hope to find work,…