Swimming? Then you don’t have to worry about PFAS in the province
The fact that there is little of this stuff in the water does not mean that the swimming quality is good. That is why the province, together with the Regional…
RIVM is ‘shocked’ by research into misconduct in the workplace
After an initial tour by the FNV at the end of last year, the ministry announced a study into social safety in the workplace. “It goes without saying that we…
GGD warns against wood burning: ‘Very worrying for public health’
Utrecht – Wood stoves and fireplaces account for almost a quarter of all particulate matter emissions in the Netherlands and, according to the GGD, this is “worrisome to very concerning…
Corona peaks at Christmas, can you celebrate with a runny nose?
What should you do if you think you have corona? At least you don’t have to test yourself anymore. It advice of the RIVM is to stay at home if…
Corona peaks at Christmas, can you celebrate with an infection?
What should you do if you think you have corona? At least you don’t have to test yourself anymore. It advice of the RIVM is to stay at home if…
Student organization raises the alarm about student welfare: ‘Much bigger leaps are needed’
The positive news is that these figures are slightly better than in 2021, although according to Demi Janssen of the ISO, that is still far from enough. “It’s nice to…
More and more people are getting gonorrhea, especially young women
The number of people who had themselves tested for an STD also increased, and relatively more people actually had an STD. In the first half of 2023, that finding rate…
Young people are exercising less and less, RIVM points to e-bikes as a possible culprit
All age groups have started exercising less, but the decline is greatest among young people up to 29 years of age. A possible explanation is the e-bike, because young people…
Corona in 2023: what about testing and staying at home?
The RIVM website still provides advice if you have complaints that fit corona. Think of a runny nose, coughing, sneezing and fever. The RIVM recommends getting sick at home in…
More virus particles in sewage, will corona flare up again?
The increase is not surprising at this time of year, explains Susan van den Hof, epidemiologist at RIVM. “People have been on holiday, to festivals, meet many others and then…