Flu epidemic A fact: schedule puzzles, children sitting at home and high absenteeism costs
The flu epidemic has officially started, reports Nivel research institute this afternoon. In the province of Utrecht, the absence peak provides schedule puzzles, children at home and a large price…
Three -quarters of Utrecht young people cannot put the phone away
If young people do not have their social media use under control, it can lead to more mental problems, loneliness and sleeping problems. Because there is a lot of time…
Not in my backyard or valid concerns? ‘These windmills are higher than the Eiffel Tower’
Insufficient evidence has been found for other health effects such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, mental health problems and negative cognitive effects. “This may mean that there is no relationship,…
Utrecht fruit growers take no risks: strict measures for safe fruit
Utrecht fruit growers fear that the demand for fruit will decrease somewhat in the coming days, but they are not afraid of hepatitis. The RIVM reported this week that twelve…
This is what fruit growers do to prevent you from getting sick from their harvest
Utrecht fruit growers fear that the demand for fruit will decrease somewhat in the coming days, but they are not afraid of hepatitis. The RIVM reported this week that twelve…
Ban on wood burning and environmental zone throughout the city: how much sense do Utrecht plans make?
The municipality of Utrecht wants to take far-reaching measures to improve air quality. Burning wood-burning stoves and fireplaces will be prohibited, only emission-free mopeds and mopeds are still welcome and…
New variants and summer peak, should we worry about corona again?
Province of Utrecht – The time of face masks, quarantine and admission tickets seems far away. Many people have used up their corona tests or have ended up in the…
More corona in the sewer, but not in the hospital
The increase is not yet a cause for concern, a spokesperson for the RIVM says. “It is still questionable whether the increase will continue,” he says. It is possible that…
This place in the province is the drawing capital of the Netherlands: ‘I won’t let myself be scared’
Hillie van den Dolder walks through the forest with her borrowed dog a few times a week. “You really have to check yourself for ticks after a walk. I always…
Zeist the drawing capital of the Netherlands? ‘I’ve never checked myself’
Zeist is the tick hotspot of the Netherlands. On the tick radar of the RIVM and Wageningen University, a dark red dot stands out: most bites are registered on a…