Tag: rightu011flu0131k
Attention! Research revealed: Coffee drinkers have 8 times more coffee in their bodies
Within the scope of the research led by Italy’s University of Trento, scientists analyzed the medical data of more than 54 thousand individuals from 25 countries. Experts examined in detail…
‘Do not even let them into your home’ The Ministry is confiscating those products! Beware of poisonous toys
The Ministry of Commerce inspected the toys on the market and we can say that the situation is really dire. According to the resulting table, many brands and products were…
Five ’embarrassing’ symptoms you should consider! Never ignore
Healthcare is not just about addressing visible problems, it deals with all health issues, including the ones we are reluctant to talk about. From sexual health problems to conditions such…
The drink that endangers children’s lives! It poses serious health risks
Child Health and Diseases Specialist Prof. stated that energy drinks only provide temporary energy with their high caffeine and sugar content. Dr. Ahmet Güzel stated that it can cause many…
Consume a handful every day! Significantly reduces the risk of dementia
Research conducted in the United Kingdom revealed that people who eat a handful of nuts every day can reduce the risk of all-cause dementia. Compared to people over the age…
Danger that does not distinguish between old and young! ‘The first 4.5 hours are critical’ It appears with these symptoms
Midi stated that a stroke occurs as a result of the blockage or rupture of one of the vessels feeding the brain. IT IS PUBLICLY KNOWN AS BRAIN HEMORRHAGE Explaining…
It is popularly known as ‘heart flu’: Do not confuse the symptoms with the common cold! If left untreated, it causes permanent damage.
Cardiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Tuna Katırcıbaşı stated that the flu virus can cause pneumonia when it affects the lungs, and a heart disease called myocarditis when it settles in the…
Striking research worldwide: Dangerous diseases are increasing in people under the age of 50!
A study published in the journal Lancet Oncology showed that, when examined in terms of bowel cancer cases in individuals under the age of 50, England was one of the…
The claim that ‘Sport shortens life’ is on the agenda! Experts expressed different opinions, but they all have a common opinion
Is sport the secret or the enemy of a long and healthy life? The thesis that sports shortens life has turned into a big polemic. Experts who spoke to ATV…
Be careful when using this supplement: Unconscious use can even result in cardiac arrest!
Organized by the Turkish Gastroenterology Association (TGD) “41st. “National Gastroenterology Week (UGH)” was held in Belek-Antalya last week with intense participation. Vice President of the Turkish Gastroenterology Association, Prof., participated…