Tag: restaurant
In this nursing home the restaurant is a success
“I can’t talk to my wife, she doesn’t say anything back.” Gerard van de Werf can also be found in the nursing home every day. His wife has Alzheimer’s and…
Vending machine replaces restaurant, residents of care facility angry: ‘Scandalous’
But that doesn’t compare to what is there now, the residents think. “No more fresh bittergarnituur with a beer either,” says Clara van der Heijden. Her husband lives in the…
Teenagers are charged with restaurant murder in Fittja
Shortly after 9 p.m. on Thursday evening, March 21 this year, several shots are fired at the restaurant in Fittja. The man in his 30s was first shot at outside…
27-year-old suspect of restaurant murder in Midsommarkransen released
At 11 pm on Saturday 3 August, several shots were fired at the restaurant in Midsommarkransen, in southern Stockholm. A man at the restaurant, aged 25, was hit and later…
Owner of iconic Utrecht restaurant passed away: ‘Lovely man with respect for his visitors’
After the book was handed over, he did not speak to Kok again. “I did run into him on the station square. He lived in Houten and often came to…
Owner of iconic Utrecht restaurant passed away: ‘Lovely man with respect for his visitors’
After the book was handed over, he did not speak to Kok again. “I did run into him on the station square. He lived in Houten and often came to…
Liew Huat Kok of iconic restaurant Paradijs passed away: ‘Lovely man with respect for his visitors’
After the book was handed over, he did not speak to Kok again. “I did run into him on the station square. He lived in Houten and often came to…
These 3 clues prove that you are going to enter a tourist trap restaurant
These clues should alert you before you go inside or sit down on the terrace of a restaurant. When traveling in France or abroad, testing the local gastronomy is one…
Hospitality icon Kostas from restaurant Rhodos Pallas suddenly passed away
Amersfoort – Hospitality entrepreneur Konstantinos Georgiadis from Amersfoort has died suddenly at the age of 67 during his vacation. The restaurant he owned, Rhodos Pallas, reported this on Facebook. Kostas,…
Rolls Ratelband restaurant closed after misconduct
Amersfoort – It should have been an experience, the Thai restaurant of Rolls Ratelband on the Kamp in Amersfoort. But the municipality closed the place last October after Ratelband misconducted.…