Tag: reporting
Digital reporting obligation for football rioters is ‘good’, but not the holy grail: ‘Misconduct cannot be eliminated’
Utrecht – The experiment in which rioting Utrecht football fans with an area ban have to report digitally is being received with cautious cheers. “It has a deterrent effect,” says…
Utrecht is participating in a trial with digital reporting requirements for football supporters
The mayor can impose such an area ban on people who have disturbed public order. A reporting obligation could also be attached to this, to ensure that someone does not…
Live reporting on the war between Israel and Hamas
The war between the terrorist organization Hamas and Israel has escalated rapidly both militarily and humanitarianly. Human life is harvested and mainly civilians are affected. Inside Gaza, the situation is…
Live reporting on the conflict in Israel
Israel has been bombarded with a barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip and Palestinian militants have entered Israel. Hamas has claimed responsibility for the attacks and says it has…
Business: “reporting”, this managerial nightmare
If the manager is a leader, the report (“reporting”, in Newspeak) is his instrument. Essential. This key to management appears everywhere, all the time. The employee who goes to lunch…
Healthcare workers in Malmö are demonstrating against mandatory reporting
Over 1,000 people gathered at Stortorget in Malmö to raise their voices against reporting undocumented people, and there were representatives from, among others, the Teachers’ Union, the Healthcare Union and…
Follow our live reporting on the swine fever that has come to Sweden
• Hunting ban. The ban applies to all types of hunting of all species of game. • Mushroom and berry picking • Forest walks off the established road • Bathing…
The police are reporting a traffic accident, Tranemo
The police are reporting a traffic accident, Tranemo Envato.com. The picture is a genre picture. “Motorist in collision with wild boar”, the police write on their website. The police in…
The police are reporting a missing person, Åstorp
The police are reporting a missing person, Åstorp “Missing man, Vramsvägen.”, the police write on their website. The police in Skåne report this: The police are currently searching the area…
Correspondents on the difficulties of reporting from Ukraine
In SVT’s program The correspondents live Elin Jönsson and Bengt Norborg describe the difficulties in reporting from Ukraine. According to Elin Jönsson, the hardest thing is interviewing people who then…