Tag: reform
Court of Auditors, Magistrates: Reform risks weakening checks on state financial balance
(Finance) – L ‘Magistrates Association from the Court of Auditors He asked the presidents of Senate and the Chamber to make sure that the reform of the Court of Auditors…
Between “compromise and radicalities”, the art of reform according to Edouard Philippe – L’Express
“Be ready for compromises, be ready for radicalities.” From his town hall in Le Havre, Edouard Philippe reveals in the spring of 2024 his conception of the exercise of power.…
Car, Urso: Italy “Guide” reform front in Europe
(Finance) – “Italy guides the reform front in Europe to put the European car on the right path”. This was stated, according to what is learned, the Minister of Business…
Biodiversity: Agreement found to reform funding for nature safeguard
Success for COP16 Biodiversity in Rome. After the blockages a few months ago in Cali in Colombia a few months ago, delegates of more than 150 countries reached a compromise…
Hungary: Magistrates’ demonstration mobilized against a new legal reform project
Since his return to power fifteen years ago, the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, has weakened the independence of justice. So far, the Hungarian magistrates had never demonstrated, but Saturday,…
Disability reform: INPS transpires the new rules
(Finance) – L ‘INPS announces the transposition of important changes within the framework of the reform of disability, implemented by the legislative decree 3 May 2024, n. 62, and started…
Meeting between Minister Nordio and Aiga: proposals for reform justice and support for young lawyers
(Finance) – The Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordioreceived a delegation of theItalian Association of Young Lawyers (Aiga)led by President Carlo Foglieniand composed of the lawyers Mariangela Di Biase, Tito Burla,…
A major reform of billing rules in France will soon come into force, with significant financial consequences for all businesses, even the smallest.
A major reform of billing rules in France will soon come into force, with significant financial consequences for all businesses, even the smallest. The lowering of the VAT franchise threshold…
The radical reform of the US Open gets a knockout from the doubles – Harri Heliövaara: “Money seems to talk on the Atlantic side” | Sport
The recent decision of the Tennis Great Tournament to close the quadruple specialists and women outside the mixed game raises concern about the future of the game. 20: 30 •…
TUF reform delegation, ok senate for extension. Critical oppositions for inaction and enlargement
(Finance) – The Senate ha The DDL of delegation to the Government approved at first reading which extends by an additional 12 months (bringing them to 24) the term within…