Tag: recipes
The food robot in New Zealand suggested deadly recipes with AI
Published 2023-08-13 22:14 full screen Food chain Pak ‘n’ Save in New Zealand has developed an AI-controlled food robot in an attempt to reduce food waste. But out came deadly…
Does oatmeal make you gain weight? Oatmeal recipes for weight gain
For those looking for a balanced and nutritious option to gain weight, oatmeal offers a great solution. Therefore, “Does oatmeal make you gain weight?” The answer is a curious question.…
Salad WITHOUT salad? 5 simple and healthy recipes to try
Salad WITHOUT salad? 5 simple and healthy recipes to try Many nice salads contain no lettuce. – Photo: Illustration Nyheter24 / Pexels There are actually salads that don’t contain lettuce…
Homemade herbal and natural cough syrup recipes: How to make an effective cough syrup?
Cough is a natural defense mechanism of the respiratory system and can occur for many different reasons. Respiratory infections such as colds, flu, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis or allergies can cause…
Teas that are good for insomnia, herbal recipes! Excessive sleepiness and herbal teas
In order to cope with chronic insomnia, it is important to pay attention to sleep patterns, proper sleep environment and sleep habits. Make your bedroom a relaxing sleep environment, establish…
our 20 easy and effective recipes
Ecological and economical, homemade cleaning products are also easy to make, provided you know a few basic recipes. A multi-purpose cleaner To clean your kitchen, your bathroom or your floors,…
No more night hunger! Enjoy long lasting satiety with these recipes
Night cravings are a nightmare for people whose bodies are prone to weight gain or who are on a diet. Some eat at night to suppress the feeling of hunger,…
Womb blessing, placenta recipes… Doulas, when alternative pregnancy goes wrong
When Gabriela’s water broke, she rushed to her phone. At the end of the line, neither ambulance nor midwife. Just the reassuring voice of Alix, her “doula”. A handywoman, found…
Getir, Flink… The bad recipes of “quick trade”
In the streets of Paris, impossible to miss them. At Getir, a fast home shopping delivery company, purple and yellow dress the scooters, like the delivery men. Other large cities,…
decrees establish “minor recipes” for a dozen ministries
These decrees, signed in the middle of the week by the Minister of Finance Hervé Ndoba, establish in particular the establishment of revenue authorities with different ministries, as well as…