Tag: reasons
China reported low economic growth, but in reality the situation is much darker – figures are embellished for many reasons, says an economist
According to an estimate made by the Bank of Finland, China’s gross domestic product shrank by approximately two percent in the second quarter compared to a year ago. In light…
10 good reasons to try hot air ballooning
And if you take a little height to admire France? Because a hot air balloon ride is to treat yourself to a nice moment of serenity with the best of…
What are the causes of hair loss in men and women?
Hair loss may develop gradually over the years or may occur suddenly. Depending on the underlying cause, it can be temporary or permanent. Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialist Op.…
15 reasons to worry about marine biodiversity, threatened with collapse in the next decade
We know that the industrial activities degrade the environment. The overfishingpollution, plasticthe global warming… the causes are many. But what is less known is how exactly, and especially what other…
Marriage: these reasons that still push couples to commit
“It was Romain who made the request. At the end of a long mountain hike, in front of a large waterfall, he knelt down…”, recalls Bénédicte, 26, now married for…
List: The most common reasons why Sörmlanders’ driving licenses are revoked
The most common basis for revoked driving licenses is a violation of regulations that are important for road safety, such as speeding, negligence in traffic and illegal driving. 287 Sörmland…
Government, Castelli: “Madness of a crisis wanted for electoral reasons”
(Finance) – “This was the week in which with the social partners we coordinated a path from now to the following months, with important measures that we were writing in…
Italy: Mario Draghi, the reasons for his desire to resign
Will history remember that Mario Draghi was pushed out because of a garbage incinerator? The Italian Prime Minister, faced with the crumbling of his coalition, announced in the Council of…
Monkey pox: the reasons for the poor start of vaccination in France
It is 8:15 a.m., Tuesday July 12, when Maxime takes the metro. The 28-year-old young man takes advantage of the journey that takes him from his home to his work…
First trailer jars the whole web, but for all the wrong reasons
When Rob Zombie is making a film, you’re usually allowed to extremely disturbing images set to. From House of 1000 Corpses to The Lords of Salem and its Halloween remake,…