Tag: reactors
Ukrainian dam: in Zaporijia, is the cooling of the reactors threatened?
After the problem of electricity, that of water? Disconnected from the network on several occasions, leaving the threat of an incident hanging over, the Zaporijia nuclear power plant is now…
Germany says goodbye to nuclear power with the shutdown of its last three reactors
A page of history is turning tomorrow in Germany. The last three nuclear reactors will be shut down. A three-and-a-half-month extension was granted to them last fall, but this time…
Nuclear: how France intends to accelerate the construction of new reactors
A week after the adoption of the bill on renewable energies, place to nuclear. This Tuesday, January 17, the Senate is considering at first reading the bill aimed at accelerating…
SVT’s reporter on the government’s announcement: Great opportunity for more small nuclear power reactors
According to Climate Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L), new reactors should be able to be built where they do the most good. The restrictions in the environmental code will be abolished…
Reactors closed – but little risk of electricity shortages
Electricity prices are and nosedive at record levels almost every day. Cold weather drives up consumption. At the same time, electricity production is under pressure. Weak winds barely manage to…
restart of two nuclear reactors as winter approaches
EDF blows a little. Two French nuclear reactors have been restarted, following maintenance operations. Welcome electricity, while serious questions arise about the ability of France to produce enough to survive…
shutdown reactors, less electricity this winter?
EDF STRIKE. Negotiations between EDF and the striking employees begin this Wednesday, October 19, 2022. While reactors are shut down, what consequences will this have on electricity production? [Mise à…
Nuclear: could fast neutron reactors take over from EPRs?
You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] The difference between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission What is the difference between fission and nuclear fusion? Both involve reactions at the atomic…
War in Ukraine: one of the reactors of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant shut down
As fighting continues in eastern Ukraine, coveted by Moscow, the battle rages over Russian gas. If Gazprom announced that the Nord Stream gas pipeline would be “completely” stopped until a…
prolonged shutdown of the reactors! Consequences on prices?
EDF. The energy company announced that four nuclear reactors would see their shutdown extended until the fall. Why should electricity prices continue to soar? We take stock. Summary [Mis à…