Tag: reactor
What happens in the core of a nuclear reactor?
In France, nuclear energy provides approximately 75% of our electricity. If several levels of reactors are present, the basic technology remains the same: they are all pressurized water reactors. But…
ITER, the assembly of records: first compose reactor in place
(Finance) – ITERthe maxi international project that aims to build an experimental reactor for nuclear fusion, has reached an important milestoneas the first subsection of the ITER plasma chamber has…
a reactor of the Cattenom nuclear power plant shut down
Reactor number 3 of the Cattenom nuclear power plant has been shut down since Saturday March 26. In Cattenom, in the north-east of France, not far from the border with…
Finland starts EPR nuclear reactor twelve years late
Twelve years late, Finland is finally starting its EPR nuclear reactor. It is the first time in fifteen years that a nuclear reactor has started up in Europe. The Finnish…