Tag: rapists
The psychiatrist raises chemical castration as a solution for serial rapists: “win-win”
This summer, the serial rapist “ghost man” was conditionally released. Four months after he was released, he committed a new rape for which he was now being convicted. In November,…
Trump will order strict implementation of the death penalty for “rapists, murderers and monsters”
United States President-elect Donald Trump said Tuesday (December 24) that he would order the Department of Justice to enforce the death penalty against “rapists, murderers and monsters” in order to…
300 potential rapists – here is the police’s new list
The police have drawn up a list of over 300 potential rapists, something like Echo be the first to tell.The purpose of the list is to prevent crime and the…
Correctional officer gave birth to convicted rapist’s child
The female correctional officer began a relationship with a convicted rapist – who was under the supervision of the Correctional Service. She later gave birth to the couple’s joint child.…
Madagascar: Surgical castration of child rapists validated by implementing decree
In Madagascar, surgical castration has officially become a reality for rapists of minors. Last week, the Malagasy government announced that it had issued a decree requiring this surgical procedure for…
Chemical submission, the new weapon of rapists?
Revealed by several cases of sexual abuse, cases of chemical submission seem to be more numerous in recent years. While some are opportunistic, others intervene in a private setting. While…
EU expresses reservations on castration penalty for child rapists
It has not yet been promulgated, but continues to create controversy. At the beginning of February, the Malagasy Parliament adopted a law providing for a castration sentence for people convicted…
In Madagascar, castration of child rapists sparks controversy
On a government proposal, the Malagasy Parliament voted this week to toughen the sentences imposed on perpetrators of child rape. In addition to forced labor sentences which are equivalent to…
Madagascar wants to castrate child rapists | SVT News
The country’s Justice Minister Landy Mbolatiana Randriamanantenasoa is defending the law, after Amnesty International urged the island nation to stop it. Hundreds of rapes To AFP, she says that Madagascar…
Madagascar wants to castrate child rapists
Updated 01.41 | Published 01.32 share-arrowShare unsaveSave expand-left full screen Amnesty International calls on Madagascar to end a law allowing the castration of child rapists. Archive image. Photo: Michel Euler/AP/TT…