Tag: quotIt
"It is time for Europe to show its muscles" : our readers react to the news
Towards a new Munich? Patrice Micolon, Viroflay (Yvelines) The headquarters of the Capitole in Washington, in 2020, was not without similarities with the fire of the Reichstag de Berlin, in…
"It is curious to make the CAP responsible for the difficulties of our agriculture" : our readers react to the news
Agriculture: Europe has a good back Jacques Brachat, Saintry-sur-Seine (Essonne) It seems curious to me to make the CAP responsible for the difficulties in our agriculture when all of Europe…
Teens self-diagnose on tiktok – "It is worrying"
Diagnosing oneself with neuropsychiatric disabilities such as ADHD or autism is something that young people have started to do on Tiktok. That the trend has grown stronger is something that…
Ilmari Käihkö from Ukrainian shelves: "It is easier to change people than to reform the system"
Ukraine has been trying to reform its institutions since 2014, reminded the docent of military sciences Ilmari Käihkö Swedish National Defense University in an interview with aam. – It is…