Tag: Putin
BHL: “Mélenchon or Zemmour feel closer to Putin than to their own country”
It is an “SOS Ukraine” meeting, organized in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and their “courageous president”, Volodymyr Zelensky. From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. this Tuesday, March 1, Bernard-Henri…
Nuclear weapon warning that frightens the whole world: Putin is not bluffing!
The 6th day of Russia’s military operation against Ukraine has entered. A statement from Russia, which is the country with the most nuclear weapons in the world, on Sunday brought…
Headline: Vladimir Putin puts Russian deterrent forces on alert
The newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravdathe former Soviet communist youth daily, wonders what the special alert regime for deterrent forces means. The military expert interviewed by the newspaper recalls that ” Moscow…
War in Ukraine: these Russian oligarchs who are starting to let go of Putin
Some are precious allies of Vladimir Putin, while a majority of them simply do not prefer to offend him for fear of reprisals. But at the time of the war,…
Will Putin press the red button?
Point-of-View. “Is the mobilization of nuclear force a bluff, a simple desire to puff up the chest in the face of the difficulties encountered by the powerful Russian army held…
War in Ukraine: the communication battle between Putin and Zelensky, this other front
The war started with an image. That of the face of Vladimir Putin announcing the Russian invasion on the lands of his Ukrainian neighbor. It is 5:30 a.m. on Thursday…
Nuclear threat: “Already in 2015, Putin almost raised the state of alert”
The sentence fell like a cleaver: “I order the Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff to put the Russian army’s deterrent forces on a special combat alert regime”,…
Ukraine’s president is Jewish, but Putin thinks his regime is teeming with Nazis – Russia’s attack is rampant
Russia has loosely justified the attack on Ukraine, for example, by the country’s excessive approach to the West, but also by neo-Nazism. President of Russia Vladimir Putin has said it…
Correspondent’s analysis: “Putin plays Biden like a drum”
Concerns about Trump’s popularity are allayed by the United States’ united stance on Russia’s attack, writes ‘s US correspondent Iida Tikka. ORLANDO, FLORIDA. The U.S. Conservative meeting on Saturday once…
War in Ukraine: what assets does Vladimir Putin have in Europe?
The Old Continent is attacking the wallets of Russian elites. The Europeans decided on Friday to sanction Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov by freezing their…