Tag: purchasing
Immigration, purchasing power, retirement… The summary
LE PEN PROGRAM. “Protection, projection, transmission” is Marine Le Pen’s program for her five-year term, if elected. The National Rally candidate wants to stop immigration, fight Islamism and raise purchasing…
Purchasing power, marker of inequalities?
This is the number 1 concern of the French and therefore the first campaign theme of the presidential candidates: four days before the first round, the question of purchasing power…
purchasing power, a major problem for students
The question of purchasing power and social inequalities is one of the key topics of the 2022 presidential election in France. Among students, an often “forgotten” social class, there are…
in Yonne, Le Pen campaigning on purchasing power
Less than three weeks before the presidential election, Marine Le Pen consolidates her second place in the polls. The candidate of the National Rally was on the move in villages…
Jean-Luc Mélenchon campaigning in Lyon, between Ukraine and purchasing power
Attacked both by the majority and by the left in recent days for his past ambiguities vis-à-vis Russia, the candidate of the Popular Union chose to respond this Sunday, March…
St. Marys planning services hub purchasing after former Mercury Theater building
St. Marys has snapped up a long-vacant downtown building as officials at town hall ponder the development of a municipal services hub that could also include space for arts and…
In the UK, protesters take to the streets against the fall in purchasing power
Demonstrations were organized in several cities in the United Kingdom, Saturday, February 12, to protest against soaring prices and the decline in purchasing power. In London’s Westminster borough, around 2,000…
Social movements in France: “The purchasing power of the State is also in great difficulty”
Is strong growth conducive to social dialogue? Elements of response with Jean-François Chantaraud, CEO of the company Odis (Observatory of dialogue and social intelligence). After a health crisis which placed…
With its Self Service Repair program, Apple will allow seasoned iPhone and recent Mac users to repair their device themselves by purchasing official spare parts from a dedicated online store.
With its Self Service Repair program, Apple will allow seasoned iPhone and recent Mac users to repair their device themselves by purchasing official spare parts from a dedicated online store.…