Tag: Pufpaff
TV Total guest compares moderator with Stefan Raab, but Pufpaff has the perfect comeback
TV Total – but with a guest is already deposed, But because of preliminary productions On Monday, February 17, one episode was broadcast in which GNTM winner Lena Gercke was…
Competition for Raab and Bully? New TV Total with Pufpaff starts in November
While Stefan Raab is starting a new show on RTL with Bully Herbig, ProSieben is going on the offensive TV totally doubles with Sebastian Pufpaff. Now more details are becoming…
Stefan Raab and Sebastian Pufpaff make the same joke: Curious coincidence at TV Total
On Wednesday evening, October 2ndStefan Raab ran You won’t win the million here and at the same time TV totally with Sebastian Pufpaff. The two programs are in open competition…
Pufpaff invites 16 comedians to the Federal Vision Comedy Contest – Felix Lobrecht also appears
After TV total XXL and TV Total Diving, the next big Pufpaff event follows: The Federal Vision Comedy Contest. Step here 16 comedians from all federal states compete against each…