Tag: Pseudotherapists
When pseudotherapists infiltrate training for rescuers – L’Express
Aymeric* is “a first aid in mental health”, but is neither a doctor nor a psychologist. Like more than 100,000 people in France, this teacher in mathematics “simply” has had…
Alzheimer’s: wacky protocol, useless tests… The drift of pseudo-therapists
The End of Alzheimer’s, The first survivors of Alzheimer’s… The titles of Dr. Dale Bredesen’s books, the last of which has just been translated into French (Thierry Souccar Editions), are…
Percutaneous hydrotomy: French pseudo-therapists overflow with imagination, by Pr Ernst
Every time I come back to France, where I spend about half my time these days, I’m always surprised by the endless variety of nonsense that the alternative scene in…
Pseudo-therapists, anthroposophists, return of Scientologists… Miviludes alerts
The health crisis continues to make its consequences felt. The questioning of science, confinement, the time spent on social networks, or even the increased search for well-being have given wings…