What will you notice tomorrow of the ProRail strike in Utrecht and Amersfoort?
More strikes are planned next week. This will happen on Monday, November 18 in Rotterdam, The Hague and Roosendaal. On Wednesday, November 20, staff in Eindhoven and Maastricht will strike…
More schools notice Magister stress: Students have to take more responsibility themselves
Parents of students at the Public VMBO and Mavo in Zeist cannot look at Magister during test weeks, says a spokesperson for Nuovo Schools, a school group with sixteen schools…
Amateur football: ‘must haves’ for Spakenburg and GVVV, DOVO defends leading position
For the blue fans of Spakenburg and GVVV it will be a weekend in the second division that they will look forward to with confidence. In the third division, the…
Stedin obliges large companies to use less electricity during peak hours
That is why Tennet and Stedin will now oblige large companies to use less electricity at peak times. “To prevent overloading of the grid in the province of Utrecht with…
This is how schools deal with Magister stress: ‘It is not intended to be checked every day’
Parents of students at the Public VMBO and Mavo in Zeist cannot look at Magister during test weeks, says a spokesperson for Nuovo Schools, a school group with sixteen schools…
Province wants to call on the minister to spare Amelisweerd during the widening of the A27
The proposal was submitted by ChristenUnie, Volt, SP and Party for the Animals. The Provincial Executive is asked to continue to argue for an alternative plan with Minister Madlener (PVV).…
ProRail strike has started: few to no trains to and from Utrecht
All trains to and from North Holland are not running. In addition, fewer trains run, especially from Utrecht Central Station to Eindhoven, Arnhem and Leiden. The strike will last until…
Number of wolf attacks almost doubled, only among farmers without a wolf-resistant grid
After a wolf first struck a sheep farmer in Bunschoten in 2018, wolves killed at least 160 more animals in the province of Utrecht. Usually it concerns sheep. BIJ12, the…
Lack of understanding among Utrecht aid organizations about cuts: ‘Worrying’
From sex education to campaigns about contraception, Rutgers is best known for the work they do in the Netherlands. But the majority of Rutgers’ budget is not spent in the…
The province is allocating 11 million euros for resilience against climate change
In their plan, the province focuses, among other things, on weather extremes. An example of this is the attention to prolonged and extreme heat. The province also mentions the risk…