112 news: Police are looking for suspect(s) after stabbing incident | Car in water in Amersfoort
A motorist in Amersfoort ended up in the water. The vehicle ended up in the ditch on Rondweg Oost, near Zielhorst sports park. According to a press photographer present, the…
Narrow victory Kampong in derby against SCHC: ‘Hard-fought’
With that, Kampong’s goal production stopped. SCHC did score. Conor Empey scored the only legal goal for Stichtsche in the 29th minute. At the end of the match, the home…
Sports short week 46: Van der Haar retains leadership X2O Trophy, stunt Handball Houten
VOLLEY-BALL VV Utrecht has won in the Premier League for the second time in a row. Last season’s losing finalist achieved a hard-fought victory at Apollo 8. The score was…
Narrow victory for Kampong in derby against SCHC
In the Promotion Class, the top clubs dropped points en masse. Leader Tilburg lost 1-0 to Laren. Voordaan and Schaerweijde were unable to take full advantage. Against the much lower…
Erik van der Meer analyzes: ‘FC Utrecht played fantastic until the elbow bump’
Erik van der Meer played for FC Utrecht from 1985 to 1995. He also wore the shirt of Cambuur Leeuwarden, Beerschot, Real Murcia and Veendam. As head coach he worked…
Sports short week 46: Stunt Handball Houten, Hoolwerf takes victory
VOLLEY-BALL VV Utrecht has won in the Premier League for the second time in a row. Last season’s losing finalist achieved a hard-fought victory at Apollo 8. The score was…
The province and municipality want to call on the minister to spare Amelisweerd during the widening of the A27
The proposal in the States was submitted by ChristenUnie, Volt, SP and Party for the Animals. The Provincial Executive is asked to continue to argue for an alternative plan with…
112 news: Wild chase ends with crash in Ondiep | Fire in garage in Bunschoten
After a wild chase through the Utrecht district, during which the scooter rammed into a parked car, the ride ended in a crash. The suspect was arrested in collaboration with…
Erik van der Meer analyzes: ‘FC Utrecht played fantastic until the elbow bump’
Erik van der Meer played for FC Utrecht from 1985 to 1995. He also wore the shirt of Cambuur Leeuwarden, Beerschot, Real Murcia and Veendam. As head coach he worked…
112 news: Utrecht who was arrested after riots suspected of sedition | Busiest rush hour of the year
November 14, 08:10 • 4 minutes reading time Province of Utrecht – In this blog we will keep you informed of the 112 news in the province of Utrecht. It…