Tag: proposals
Accountants, De Lise illustrates Union proposals on economy and taxation
(Finance) – Matteo De Lise, president of the UNGDCEC, representing young chartered accountants and accountants, met with the Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Gilberto Pichetto Fratinwith the Council of Parliamentary…
the 120 proposals of the candidate Yannick Jadot
Yannick Jadot presented his program for the 2022 presidential election. Priority number one: act to deal with climate change, without leaving aside the poorest, end of the sale of thermal…
LR Investiture: “Valérie Pécresse stood out with specific economic proposals”
With the appointment of Valérie Pécresse as the Republican candidate on Saturday, December 4, 2021, the situation on the right has largely settled down and the game has suddenly cleared…