Tag: professor
Covid-19: doctors denounce the “wild” therapeutic trial conducted by Professor Raoult
News Published on 05/29/2023 at 11:22 am Updated 05/29/2023 at 11:22 am Reading 2 mins. In a column published in the newspaper Le Monde, fifteen learned societies consider that Professor…
“A new actor has entered the playing field”, says a military professor about the attacks on Belgorod – this is how the United States and Russia reacted
The attacks on Belgorod, Russia, are one of the largest attacks on Russia by the Ukrainian side during the war. Russia accuses the West of supporting the attacks. – It…
“Saying this can be taboo” – the West wishes Ukraine a victory in the war, but the professor reminds us of the basic formula of peace processes
When the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi visited Helsinki at the beginning of May, peace was mentioned a few times. Ukraine already presented a ten-point peace plan last fall, which…
Emeritus professor: Totuuskomissio voisi nossati esiin kallonmittaukset ja kouluasiat
Emeritus professors Jarmo Lainion öðin tössä totuuskomission työssä haasteena on se öttä ruotsinsuomalaisen mejmstön historia limittyy muiim mejmistøn. Hän päää äääää öööääselle ruotsinsuomalaisten totuuskomissiolle kaksi skällää aihetta: 1900-luvnu alum rotubiologiset…
Professor on armed evacuation: No international law problem
Sending armed troops to other countries is sensitive, but the Riksdag’s decision on an armed rescue operation in Sudan is compatible with international law. So says Ove Bring, professor emeritus…
Professor wins NDP nod for Oxford riding federal byelection
Western University professor Cody Groat will represent the NDP in the upcoming federal byelection in Oxford. Groat is an assistant professor in history and Indigenous studies at the university in…
Did human rights fall short of the NATO goal? The professor created a new concept to describe what happened in Finland while waiting for membership
Finland, which aspired to join NATO, did something in the name of security policy that it would not have done otherwise. This is what a world politics professor says Teivo…
Fungus hooligans and mushroom coats: professor not worried about outbreak
“I like things tidy, but I just can’t get there,” says Wösten about his room in a concrete colossus at Utrecht Science Park. On the desk are stacks of paper,…
Alternative medicine: regulating yes, but how? By Professor Ernst
The treatment of patients by practitioners other than qualified doctors has been illegal in France since the 19th century. Yet tens of thousands of alternative “therapists” from various traditions –…
Saudi Arabia acts like Putin’s Russia, the professor estimates – e-sports became the country’s latest means of “sports laundering”
Saudi Arabia has entered e-sports with a bang. The state’s investment fund, Public Investment Fund, or PIF, has acquired a large number of e-sports tournament organizers in a short period…