Tag: professor
Alternative medicine: “I was delighted to meet Charles until the day…”, by Professor Ernst
The interest, even adoration, of my French friends for the British monarchy has long perplexed me. My astonishment diminished, however, when I met the Queen. She came to visit my…
Why does our brain age? A recent discovery lifts a corner of the veil, by Professor Fischer
One of the challenges of our societies is to support the increase in life expectancy. In two centuries, in France, the share of people aged over 65 in the population…
Finland cannot defend itself, and that is difficult for the Finns’ soul, says the military professor
Professor at the National Defense University Tommi Koivula hurts. Right now, he can’t remember the nickname of the cannon he stands in front of to be photographed. We are in…
With the disappearance of Professor Jacques Chevrier, African literature loses an ardent defender
Professor of African literature, literary critic, head of collections, Jacques Chevrier has just died. He will be missed by many people, especially his students, to whom he was able to…
Professor questions the Riksbank’s knowledge
Rothstein questions, in an article on DN debate, the Riksbank’s sacred status as independent. Independence from politics and politics’ transfer of important decision-making power to an authority or body, in…
“There is a serious failure of French policy” in the Sahel, according to Professor Serge Sur
On the occasion of the annual meeting of ambassadors and in a long-awaited speech, Emmanuel Macron declared that the French ambassador will remain in Niger despite pressure from the putschists.…
Covid: France almost blind to the return of the virus, by Professor Gilles Pialoux
Covid-19 is making a comeback. Wave, ripple or simple warning for the fall, where will the different respiratory viruses cohabit when the hospital is already in tension? The coming weeks…
Military Professor: The most important battle of the war is about to start in a couple of weeks
Ukrainian offensive forces are approaching Russia’s main defense line in the Zaporizhzhia region. In the past few days, Ukraine says it has recaptured the village of Robotyne, an important milestone…
İbrahim Saraçoğlu announced the miraculous oil that the American professor gave to his daughter! Countless benefits
A healthy diet protects the body against diseases and acts as an armor. Foods taken into the body provide many benefits. Ibrahim Saracoglu, Prof. Dr. He made remarkable statements about…
Professor: No civilization without alcohol intoxication
– It is the desire to get drunk that made people come together and start doing things in an organized way such as agriculture, claims the philosopher Edward Slingerland in…