Tag: Presidential France 2022
In the spotlight: the presidential election in France
Photos of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen make the front page of many newspapers on the American continent, from Argentina to Canada. According to Argentinian newspaper Clarin“ there are…
what vote reserve for Emmanuel Macron?
If Marine Le Pen, qualified for the second round, can already count on the significant electorate of Eric Zemmour, the reserve of votes is not so clear for Emmanuel Macron.…
second round objective for Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen
As in 2017, the second round of the presidential election will pit Emmanuel Macron against Marine Le Pen. As of yesterday, many candidates have called for blocking the far right…
candidates who made less than 5% are in financial embarrassment
With 4.58% of the vote, Yannick Jadot’s campaign costs will not be reimbursed. Same thing for the LR candidate, Valérie Pécresse, with 4.79% of the vote who said, the day…
On the front page: here we go again…
“ It’s go again “, notes the Mail Picard on the front page. Emmanuel Macron, just over 27%, Marine Le Pen, just over 23% and between the two 26% abstainers.…
[2] – French presidential special broadcast: Macron and Le Pen in the second round
As in 2017, the second round of the French presidential election will oppose Emmanuel Macron to Marine Le Pen. Your reactions and your questions on the results, the profile and…
the announced duel between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will take place
The far right again in the second round of the presidential election this morning in France with 27.6% for Emmanuel Macron, 23.4% for Marine le Pen, according to almost complete…
Mélenchon, an unexpected but insufficient “remontada”
Credited in the polls with around 18% of the vote, the candidate of La France insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon won more than 22% of the vote in the first round of…
Eric Zemmour supporters want to “look to the future”
At Éric Zemmour’s HQ, at the Maison de la Mutualité in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, the atmosphere was not festive. The candidate called for Marine Le Pen to vote…
environmental activists disappointed but not surprised by Yannick Jadot’s score
With only 4.47% of the vote, Yannick Jadot’s campaign costs will not be reimbursed. It had already been several weeks since the polls had given him at this level. Gathered…