Tag: Pollution
Microplastics from Africa or North America found in the Pyrenees
Microplastics, pollutants already found on Everest, in the Arctic or in the middle of the oceans, can be transported between continents by high winds, highlights a study published in the…
Microplastics found in “pure” air at the top of the Pyrenees
Microplastics, pollutants already found on Everest, in the Arctic or in the middle of the oceans, can be transported between continents by high winds, highlights a study published in the…
Air quality: a good indicator of environmental policies
Despite slight improvements, the air in European countries is still very polluted. This pollution caused 417,000 premature deaths in 2018, according to the European Environment Agency, and the pollutants released…
Global overpopulation: what are the possible consequences?
We would be over 7.6 billion human beings on Earth and two billion more in 2050. What is the impact of overpopulation on the environment and the world’s resources? You…
These trees are champions in the fight against global warming and pollution
In the current context of global warming, and more broadly, of an environmental crisis, trees have a role to play. And scientists can help us maximize the benefits we can…
These super-trees, champions in the fight against global warming, pollution and floods
In the current context of global warming, and more broadly, of an environmental crisis, trees have a role to play. And scientists can help us maximize the benefits we can…
Which countries emit the most CO2?
Each year, 37 gigatons of CO2 are released into the atmosphere, mainly by human activities (combustion of fossil fuels, deforestation, etc.). Here are the first contributing countries, the evolution of…
Deliberate expected in the “waste mafia” trial on the Côte d’Azur
The verdict is expected this Tuesday, December 14 for a network of diggers and transporters accused of having dumped hundreds of thousands of tonnes of polluted rubble on the Côte…
A 1 / 5th of France is contaminated with arsenic at a level above normal
Arsenic is naturally present in the soil in some places, but much of it comes from old industrial sites. However, prolonged exposure to arsenic presents health risks. Are you concerned…
The Alps are the most threatened massif in the world
The Alps are the playground for millions of international tourists every year and the human impact on this fragile ecosystem is enormous: it only took about fifty years of urbanization…