Tag: policy
Sarkozy’s last bitch on Macron, the socialists no longer support Roussel…
What would politics be without its stunts, its low blows, its twisted blows, its dirty tricks…? Because, as Edouard Philippe would say, “we have to do things seriously without taking…
EXCLUSIVE. Presidential 2027: the poll that places Ruffin ahead of Mélenchon
The New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) has not yet blown out its first candle that Jean-Luc Mélenchon is no longer master in his kingdom. This is undoubtedly the…
Control of immigration, fight against social fraud… These taboos which weaken the left
Two political statements have caused an uproar on the left in recent days. That of the communist Fabien Roussel, who, in a speech called for greater control of immigration, speaking…
LR: the spleen of supporters of a government agreement
This did not have the ambition of Jacques Chirac’s call for 43, but still… On April 10, a column initiated by the deputy for Hauts-de-Seine Philippe Juvin was published in…
Emmanuel Macron and the secret July plan
There is for a Prime Minister an anguish at least equal to that of not spending the winter: that of not spending the summer. In this case July. The seventh…
Pensions, doctors, spelling: letters from L’Express readers
Pensions: the majority is not necessarily right Claude Renault, Quint-Fonsegrives (Haute-Garonne) “70% of French people are against pension reform; so it should not be done.” But it is normal that…
Laurent Berger leaves the CFDT: a (very) calculated decision
For several months, he did not hide it. Laurent Berger did not intend to finish his fourth term at the head of the CFDT, a mandate that the activists had…
Pensions: is it possible to repeal the reform, as proposed by the Liot group?
A deletion. A crumpled text, thrown into oblivion. The dream of many protesters. Is it possible to repeal the pension reform, now that it has been enacted and validated by…
Laurent Berger announces that he will step down as head of the CFDT
End of reign, yes, defeat no. After leading what will remain his last major political sequence: the battle against pension reform, Laurent Berger leaves the French Democratic Confederation of Labor…
Municipality of Utrecht: thousands of students will not receive an energy allowance due to ‘failing government policy’
There is good news for a small group: about six hundred students appealed against the rejection of their application for an energy allowance. Their application will be reviewed. If they…