Tag: policy
Portugal’s drug policy was a success, but now drug-related deaths are on the rise – this is why
In Portugal, drug use rooms were introduced only two years ago. In Finland, a citizens’ initiative has been made to approve their use, which is being considered by the parliament.…
the Senate challenges the distribution of doctors – L’Express
A text watched like milk on the fire by an entire profession. While a new mobilization of liberal doctors took place in mid-October, senators began to examine this Tuesday, October…
Mélenchon, the disaster – The L’Express file – L’Express
For the MEP and philosopher, “Mélenchon’s stubborn refusal to qualify Hamas as a terrorist organization is more than an immense moral fault.” And illustrates our tendency to let spontaneous and…
his method to demonize LFI – L’Express
“This, dear colleagues of the far left, is what differentiates civilization from barbarism, this is what differentiates a regular army from a terrorist organization.” The invective, directly addressed to the…
his strategy to avoid the divide between Jews and Muslims in France – L’Express
The passage, in the address to the French on October 12, did not go unnoticed. That evening, Emmanuel Macron chose to specifically evoke the fate of the Jewish and Muslim…
“It can’t go on like this” – Riku Helenius and Karri Rämö download direct words about Carolina’s special goaltending policy in the NHL
Coming into the season, Carolina’s defense or goaltending should not have been a question mark for anyone. Especially not the defensive game. The defense equipment of the hurricane pack as…
the international coalition against Daesh from which Macron wishes to draw inspiration – L’Express
On the sidelines of his trip to Israel this Tuesday, October 24, Emmanuel Macron called for the creation of an international “coalition” to fight against the Palestinian Islamist movement which…
MPs continue to want to save the alliance – L’Express
Even if the New Ecological and Social Popular Union (Nupes) is in clinical death, some of the left-wing deputies cling to the union and try to find common ground. There…
presidential hunger which justifies all means – L’Express
Is this stupidity? Or maybe ignorance? No, and no. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, from his years of political experience, knows too well, even in his tweets, the weight of words. From its…
the government backs down on two contested measures – L’Express
After the State budget, place for that of Social Security. Barely the last 49.3 charged, the deputies are already preparing to comb through the social security financing bill (PLFSS), which…