Tag: polder
From pasture to residential area: how does the Rijnenburg polder become habitable?
“You have to think very carefully about how you want to develop it,” says urban planner Riek Bakker. The upcoming new construction project is “beautiful”, but the development of a…
Soest asks the province of Utrecht for building locations in the polder
Municipal Interests Groen Soest (GGS), which profiles itself as a nature-loving party, agreed with pain in the heart to the council proposal. Group chairman Jan Paauw called it “the least…
Woerden is considering solar panels in the Reijerscop polder
The municipality of Woerden is investigating whether solar panels can be installed in the Reijerscop polder. There are also advanced plans for wind turbines in the polder, but according to…
Building in the polder divides Soesters, 33 speakers in the council
Young people, the elderly, home seekers, nature lovers and, above all, many local residents took turns last night. The evening was opened by several speakers who emphasized the need for…
Soest councilors ask for building land in the polder: ‘We don’t want to build up the entire village’
The locations that are now in the picture were left after a search for housing for starters, transfer students and seniors. The council does not yet know whether the landowners…
There will probably be two or three wind turbines in the Reijerscop polder near Harmelen
The wind turbines in Reierscop will therefore probably be the same height. The municipality writes that various experts have given their preference to this height, because this type of wind…
Definitely four windmills in the Rijnenburg polder
31 councilors from GroenLinks, D66, PvdA and Party for the Animals, among others, voted in favor of the zoning plan. 13 members of DENK, VVD, CDA and EenUtrecht voted against.…
American crayfish eats entire polder: ‘Underwater it’s like a desert here’
But, “just catching doesn’t make much sense,” says Winnie Rip, ecologist and project leader from Waternet. Rip has received money from the province to set up a large-scale, three-year study…
New polder road only option for housing construction near Eembrugge
The new research group consisted of residents of the Eemweg, the owner of the Kroeze marina, a farmer from the area, two future residents and a member of the scouting…
Construction of a new polder road is the only option for housing construction near Eembrugge
The new research group consisted of residents of the Eemweg, the owner of the Kroeze marina, a farmer from the area, two future residents and a member of the scouting…