Tag: Piazza
EU stocks rise. Piazza Affari aligns
(Finance) – The main European stock markets ended on the upside, the day after the decision of the European Central Bank to cut the cost of money by 25 basis…
Piazza Affari confirms best performance in Europe
(Telestock) – European stock markets continue to perform well at mid-day, after European inflation showed a further slowdown in August to 2.2%. Also Business Square confirms a tonic trend and…
European stock markets buoyant. Piazza Affari remains in pole position
(Telestock) – Positive day for European stock markets and for Business SquareThat lead the rises in the Old Continent, thanks to some positive signs among the Blue-Chips. A morning lived…
Piazza Affari soars in a positive Europe with confidence in rate cuts
(Telestock) – European stock markets close the last session of the week with a sharp risenear the day’s highs, after the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powellhas solidified expectations…
Brilliant Piazza Affari that surpasses the Eurolistini
(Telestock) – Buying goes wild at Piazza Affariwhich outperforms the good day of the European stock markets, on a day with a holiday atmosphere without great ideas. The Bank of…
Piazza Affari is buoyant along with the rest of Europe
(Telestock) – Purchases prevail on the Milan Stock Exchangepink jersey in Europe, with stock markets appearing to have put behind them fears of a recession in the US economy after…
Excellent Piazza Affari after the August break. Banks soar
(Telestock) – Positive session for most European stock markets (London down), with Piazza Affari recording the best performancerecovering the gains recorded yesterday by other stock markets while Milan was closed…
Piazza Affari in rally does better than the rest of Europe. Excellent Ferrari
(Telestock) – Positive closing for European stock marketswith Piazza Affari being the best thanks to the Auto and Banking sectors, in tandem with the upward trend of Wall Street in…
Cautious stock markets. Piazza Affari runs alone
(Telestock) – Positive balance for Piazza Affariwhich shows a notable advantage over the rest of Europe where caution reigns, in a session characterized by low volumes and few ideas due…
Timid increase in Piazza Affari. Generali and Unipol weak after the accounts
(Telestock) – Slightly rising values for the Milan Stock Exchange and the rest of Euroland is trading at parity. Over the past 24 hours, U.S. macroeconomic data has reassured investors:…