Tag: pesto
Siri Barje’s quick lasagna with pesto
Siri Barje advises on simple vegola lasagna Updated: Today 08:04 Published: Today 08:04 Today’s dinner tip offers a lasagna with kale and mushrooms that tastes good from ready-made pesto. Thanks…
Zeinas Mourtada’s pesto spin with simple tomato soup
Zeina Mourtada advises on delicious bread with a good filling Updated: Today 05:00 Published: Today 05:00 Today’s dinner tips offer a lovely weekday dinner where the bread is the hero.…
Ate homemade pesto – got botulism: In hospital 1 year
Updated 01:05 | Published 00:41 Doralice, 47, ate homemade pesto she bought at a local food market. The next day she became acutely ill and collapsed in the hospital parking…
Salmon papillotes with homemade pesto and almonds
L’almond is the nut oilseeds which contains the most protein. EIt also contains a significant amount ofmonounsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols,arginine, fiber, vitamins – B and E, mainly – and minerals…