Tag: Pertti
Finland became the chaser of the medley relay, when Pertti Hyvärinen was completely exhausted – “It’s just a decent finish for that”
Finland’s first team was in the top two in the second leg of Beitostölen’s mixed relay, but Norway’s Martin Löwström Nyengeti the bet was too much Perttu Hyvärinen. He cramped…
Aiempi suurlähettiläs Pertti Torstila: Suomen ja Unkarin suhde äääääääinen
Unkari on luvannut ratifioida Suomen ja Ruotsin Nato-jässenyyden helmikuun alussa. Unkari on Turkin ohella toinen meisejas maista, jonka sälötnää äjäreyydelle on satu odotella. Suomella is also particularly close to Hungary.…
Seven-time gold medalist Pertti Sankilampi is pensive at the start of the Paralympics: “There is no Olympic peace”
China’s Paralympics are overshadowed by Russia’s war against Ukraine. In Finland, the sports movement for the disabled was born through war invalids. Municipal councilor and champion of para-sports Pertti Sankilampi…