Tag: people
He said 1 million people should be judged like this! To protect the whole world…
The petition, which says ‘trial Putin’, was launched earlier this month after the Russian leader launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine. In just a few weeks, it reached its goal…
How do people with polycystic ovary syndrome get pregnant? The effect of vitamin D in polycystic ovary syndrome
Is it good or bad to have many eggs in women with polycystic ovaries, is the number or quality of eggs important? Gynecology, Obstetrics and IVF Specialist Prof. Answers to…
4 people were killed in an attack with a knife and a vehicle near a shopping mall in Israel
It was announced that 4 people were killed in the attack with a knife and a vehicle in Israel. There are also injured people in the incident. The attack took…
Utrecht University students don’t write a paper, but make a podcast: ‘Am I walking over dead people?’
UTRECHT – Most students who conduct research eventually write an extensive thesis, paper or thesis about it. If not four students from Utrecht University, who thought it could be a…
Utrecht University students did not write a paper, but made a podcast: ‘Am I walking over dead people?’
UTRECHT – Most students who conduct research eventually write an extensive thesis, paper or thesis about it. If not four students from Utrecht University, who thought it could be a…
Sidaction: young people still poorly informed about HIV and AIDS
News Posted 20 hours ago, Reading 3 mins. The weekend of Sidaction 2022 is approaching, it will take place from March 25th. On this occasion, the association which fights against…
Young people walk less than seniors
News Published 19 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. People over the age of 51 walk more daily than younger generations, a recent study reveals. Nearly 9,000 steps for those over…
While the people of Ukraine were fighting, the wife of the famous businessman was caught at the border! Wealth came out of your suitcase
Anastasia Kotvitska, married to one of Ukraine’s richest men, was caught trying to sneak out of the country through a refugee crossing with her multimillion-pound fortune. A stunning photo that…
62% of French people are ready to sacrifice an evening with friends to sleep
News Published 11 hours ago, Reading 1 min. A survey published on the occasion of Sleep Day reveals that 25% of French people say they sleep well, or even very…
Visual health: a concern for the majority of French people
News Posted 8 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. According to a recent study by Ipsos, more than one in two French people are worried about their visual health, while 3…