Tag: patients
Hypertension patients beware! Do not use…
The blood pressure inside the arteries is called blood pressure. High blood pressure causes hypertension. There are many factors that cause hypertension, which can be seen at any age. These…
Medicine for obesity patients may be reimbursed: ‘Overweight is very underestimated’
According to Ignace Janssen, medical director of the Dutch Obesity Clinic in Nieuwegein, this is important because overweight is greatly underestimated. “It’s a chronic disease, but many think it only…
Hospital emergencies: calling patients back after their visit reduces hospitalizations
News Published 12 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. in collaboration with Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo) It’s a simple solution, yet very effective. According to a new American…
‘Long-term Covid in at least one in five corona patients’
Little is known about the so-called post-Covid syndrome (PCS). A generally accepted definition of long-term Covid does not yet exist. Nivel used different definitions for its research, looking at the…
Covid: Electronic alarm will be installed on patients’ door in Shanghai
In Shanghai, the financial center of China, which has been in quarantine for 3 weeks due to the rapid increase in Covid cases, electronic alarms will now be placed on…
What is good for the kidneys? What are the foods that are good for the kidneys, what should kidney patients eat?
The kidneys are bean-like in shape, their average size reaches up to 13 centimeters. The kidneys weigh between 120 and 180 grams in men and between 110 and 160 grams…
Immunocompromised patients and Covid – 19: the double appeal of the founder of Renaloo
News Published 19 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. Although the Covid-19 epidemic is on the decline, it has not disappeared. And some fragile patients, such as the immunocompromised or transplant…
Ukrainians struggle with serious illnesses in the middle of war – cancer treatments have been cut off, tuberculosis patients are being tracked
Health care in Ukraine is under severe pressure. Doctors Without Borders is one of the actors in identifying the acute needs of hospitals and also the need for local mental…
Cancer: the analysis of the DNA of patients makes it possible to discover new causes of the disease
News Posted 9 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. Led by a team from the University of Cambridge, this work has made it possible to study the genome of more than…
Arteritis of the legs: patients can be encouraged to walk longer
News Posted 2 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. A team of British researchers evaluated the effects of a change in behavior for carrying out walking exercises in patients with arteritis…