Tag: patients
Attention to Diabetes Patients! The month of Ramadan is coming: warnings from experts to patients who want to fast…
Assoc. Dr. Gülçin Cengiz Ecemiş, in the month of Ramadan diabetes patients fast He made important statements about whether he could hold. Ecemiş said that the points that diabetic patients…
Diyarbakir Selahattin Eyyubi State Hospital scandal claim! This procedure was performed for at least 75 patients.
DiyarbakirSelahattin Eyyubi in State hospitalA major health scandal claim came to the agenda. At least 75 patients in the Orthopedic Service, allegedly attached platinum even though it was not necessary.…
Local residents Fivoor open the book: ‘Girls approached in playground and masturbating patients on the street’
Threat and intimidation, drink and drug use, masturbating in public and children who are harassed in the playground. Local residents of the psychiatric clinics in Den Dolder sketch a shocking…
Local residents Fivoor open the book: ‘Girl approached in playground and masturbating patients on the street’
Threat and intimidation, drink and drug use, masturbating in public and children who are harassed in the playground. Local residents of the psychiatric clinics in Den Dolder sketch a shocking…
Doctors are suspected of rape against patients
The man was arrested on Thursday against his denial suspicion of the abuse, which must have been committed at a health center at the beginning of last year. Four patients,…
In one of the most intense hospitals in Turkey, doctors are looking at 650 patients a day! Now these numbers are normalized
Recently, increasing diseases, flu and its derivatives have been widespread, the prolongation of recovery periods and a serious increase in hospitals has been observed. Although the number of people who…
The expert warned! Pay attention to toilet problems in people who give birth, smoke or obesity patients
The meeting entitled Current Overview and Approach in Pelvic Base Diseases was held in the Conference Hall of Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital with more than 100 participants. Professor of the Department…
Much -discussed clinic of Fivoor in Den Dolder is not in order, 32 patients relocated
“This is really a bizarre coincidence. We are really chattering with our ears,” says a spokesperson for Fivoor. At the moment the staff is especially busy with the move. “But…
The doctor’s alarm – the risk of patients falling between the chairs
In Sweden you can choose to belong to a special health center. It is called to list. When you list, you should have the opportunity for a permanent doctor’s contact…
The expert warned! Pay attention to toilet problems in people who give birth, smoke or obesity patients
The meeting entitled Current Overview and Approach in Pelvic Base Diseases was held in the Conference Hall of Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital with more than 100 participants. Professor of the Department…