Tag: patient
Bizarre patient: 16-month-old baby develops signs of puberty!
Today in weird patient, the case of a child who develops precocious, very precocious puberty when he is only 16 months old. But how is this possible? You will also…
Strains causing patient buildups in Chatham-Kent emergency rooms
News Local News photo file While recently released data puts the wait times to see a doctor in Chatham-Kent’s emergency rooms close to the provincial average, the chief of emergency…
Doctors train on a virtual patient, in hologram
News Published on 07/06/2022 at 8:59 p.m. Updated 07/06/2022 at 8:59 p.m. Reading 1 min. At Addenbrooke University Hospital in Cambridge, students cared for a very special patient. They were…
Unpublished: these doctors treated a virtual patient!
You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] IKIN shapes the future of holographic technology IKIN’s mission is to continuously research, develop and stimulate technology to enhance the human experience. The…
Bizarre patient: he has a uterus attached to his testicles
You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Interview 4/5: what prospects for nanomedicine? Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology to the medical world. It includes fields such as the administration…
Patient with heart attack was misjudged – Region Jämtland Härjedalen’s e-service is stopped
A man sought help via Region Jämtland Härjedalen’s e-service, but his problems were not correctly identified but were given low priority. Without telephone contact, physical examination or other diagnostics, the…
the private group of Ehpad Orpea condemned for negligence after the death of a patient
Orpea was sentenced on Thursday for negligence following the death of an invalid elderly person in 2017, who died after being hospitalized for an unexplained double fracture of the femurs.…
Ivo: Continued deterioration of patient safety at the University Hospital
The shortcomings in the emergency department are extensive and affect all care and treatment – from the initial assessment prioritization and medical assessment to the continued medical care and nursing,…
BCHS reports one COVID patient in care
The Brant Community Healthcare System on Monday reported one person in care with COVID-19. It is the first time since June 6 that the BCHS has reported someone in care…
Don’t ignore it! Signs that you are sick
In order to prevent diseases, it is necessary to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and stay away from factors such as stress. However, despite all these factors, there is a possibility…