Tag: pass
Need to relax during your lunch break or just pass the time? Discover the old-fashioned little games that Google hides in its search engine: a simple web browser is enough to play them!
Need to relax during your lunch break or just pass the time? Discover the old-fashioned little games that Google hides in its search engine: a simple web browser is enough…
Widely used for certificates and the health pass, the TousAntiCovid application also collects information of a private nature. To avoid any exploitation of sensitive data, disable this automatic collection.
Widely used for certificates and the health pass, the TousAntiCovid application also collects information of a private nature. To avoid any exploitation of sensitive data, disable this automatic collection. Summary…
Health and pregnancy pass: how to organize?
News Posted on 07/19/2021 2 min read From August, the health pass will be compulsory to enter hospitals. How to organize when you are pregnant and have still not received…
Christmas market: health pass, mask, what protocol?
Christmas markets are subject to the health pass, said Olivier Véran on November 25 during a press conference. The prefects may also decide to make the wearing of a mask…
new conditions for the health pass
From November 27, a third booster dose of the Covid vaccine will be mandatory for the health pass for all adults, announced Olivier Véran. Health pass: 3rd dose compulsory for…
Health pass, compulsory vaccination: the temperature rises!
In Guadeloupe, in Austria, in the Netherlands, in Australia and elsewhere, a popular fever against the health pass, against the vaccination obligation and against the authorities who are panicking in…