Tag: participates
Russian Red Cross participates in Putin’s children’s camp
In the past, Expressen, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, EPN and several other media houses have jointly reported on how the Russian Red Cross has close ties to Russian President Vladimir…
in the Arctic, Sweden participates in its first NATO exercise
Since January, a series of NATO military exercises have been underway in Europe, constituting the largest joint training and defense operation between allies since the end of the Cold War,…
Choreographer Leila Ka: “Each music participates in the narration” of the show
Choreographer and performer Leila Ka, 31, is one of the most promising young figures in contemporary dance. Revealed in 2018 with her solo, Pod ser, awarded five times internationally and…
ACEA participates in the “Christmas Farmer’s Village” in Naples
(Finance) – ACEA participate in the “Christmas peasant village” organized by Coldiretti in Naples. Starting today, and until December 9th, it will be present with a stand to raise awareness…
Environment, ENEA participates in the Earth Technology Expo 2023
(Finance) – From 15 to 18 November, ENEA participates in the third edition “Earth Technology Expo“, the event, which will be held in Florence, dedicated to ideas, projects and green…
TIM, transaction agreement signed for Netco. ADIA participates with KKR
(Finance) – TIM communicated that, in execution of the resolutions adopted yesterday by the Board of Directors, was signed with Optics BidCo (a subsidiary of KKR and as an additional…
5 effective and smart tips so that your spouse also participates in household chores
News Published on 05/10/2023 at 3:43 p.m. Updated 05/10/2023 at 3:43 p.m. Reading 2 min. Doing more household chores than your partner on a daily basis makes you tense and…
Greta Thunberg participates in the demonstrations in Oslo
On Wednesday, it has been exactly two years since the highest court in Norway ruled that the country’s largest wind farm is a violation of international law as it is…
Intesa Sanpaolo participates in the Festival È cultura!
(Finance) – The first edition of the Festival IS culture!promoted by ABI and Acri, together with Italian banks, including Intesa Sanpaoloand foundations of banking origin, in collaboration with Feduf, to…
Party Omtzigt has many Utrecht residents on its list and participates in elections everywhere
Sander van Waveren was a member of the Utrecht city council for ten years, including a long period as party leader. He was on the council on behalf of the…