Tag: Pain
The first serious warning of the mysterious hepatitis came: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain…
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended “to apply standard hygiene rules for those who have symptoms of hepatitis virus of unknown origin, which emerged in England and later seen in…
It cuts the pain instantly, does not leave inflammation in the body, it is very good for the intestines! The doctor who drinks the miraculous concoction does not see the face
The benefits of turmeric are endless. It is often used for liver and stomach problems. It prevents all parasites and microbial formations and the antioxidants it contains provide very high…
No such spice! Migraine pain, hunger crisis one-to-one: It increases height, protects against cancer…
Rosemary is one of the plants whose benefits do not end with counting. As you read about the properties and benefits of rosemary, you will say “there is no such…
What is good for fluid loss in the knee? What causes fluid loss in the knee, how is it treated without surgery?
Joint diseases, which are all called “calcification” among the people, are not caused by the accumulation, increase or thickening of something, as this name suggests at the first moment, but…
How does the headache go? What causes ligament pain, which foods are good for headaches?
Headache poisons daily life, so to speak. There are some things you should pay attention to to avoid headaches. CAFFEINE Turkish coffee can be a good solution to relieve your…
Hoarseness, sore throat and ear pain… 40 years and over are in danger
Patients who are diagnosed early have a very high chance of completely surviving throat cancer. Moreover, since the disease does not spread, it is sufficient to remove only a small…
It cuts muscle pain like a knife! Consume them to relieve pain
A healthy diet is very important for our body to function properly. Foods that are good for many troubles, from rheumatic pains to migraine, muscle and abdominal pain, are not…
Which wellness accessories to use against back pain?
Many factors can be the cause of back pain: bad postures, sudden movements, muscle tension, anxiety, fatigue, malformation of the spine, repeated movements or illnesses… These exhausting pains affect about…
Beware of persistent back pain! – Health News
Living sedentary, lifting heavy, making sudden movements, posture disorders cause low back pain. For this reason, it is thought that low back pain will go away on its own at…
From Reddit’s former CEO to Elon Musk, who asked for the entire Twitter: “If you get it, you enter a world of pain”
Everyone is talking about Tesla CEO Elon Musk wanting all of Twitter. However, Twitter put a significant obstacle in front of Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter by implementing the “Poison…