Tag: operator
The Competition Authority has just authorized the acquisition of the virtual operator La Poste Mobile by Bouygues Telecom, which should recover the 2.3 million subscribers. Provided that SFR agrees…
The Competition Authority has just authorized the acquisition of the virtual operator La Poste Mobile by Bouygues Telecom, which should recover the 2.3 million subscribers. Provided that SFR agrees… A…
Delta Force Hawk Ops Operator List
Delta Force Hawk Ops operator list has been announced. You can find the features, roles and tactical advantages of the operators in our news. With the upcoming launch of Delta…
Has SFR been the victim of a hack? A hacker has put 1.4 million customer data on sale on a famous hacking forum. Even if the information has not yet been confirmed by the operator, vigilance is required!
Has SFR been the victim of a hack? A hacker has put 1.4 million customer data on sale on a famous hacking forum. Even if the information has not yet…
SFR is giving its subscribers a nice gift by integrating 5G into all its mobile plans at no extra cost, and this in a lasting manner. Enough to attract new customers and retain current ones, while the operator faces a difficult economic situation.
SFR is giving its subscribers a nice gift by integrating 5G into all its mobile plans at no extra cost, and this in a lasting manner. Enough to attract new…
The operator is launching a new collaborative portal, Orange Cybersecure, which allows any Internet user to check if a link is malicious. You will no longer be fooled by phishing attempts!
The operator is launching a new collaborative portal, Orange Cybersecure, which allows any Internet user to check if a link is malicious. You will no longer be fooled by phishing…
Despite all of SFR’s efforts, customers continue to flee, while subscription prices soar. What’s happening ? Is this the end of the operator?
Despite all of SFR’s efforts, customers continue to flee, while subscription prices soar. What’s happening ? Is this the end of the operator? The telecom operator SFR is going through…
Please note, this operator is further increasing its prices by discreetly notifying its customers at the bottom of their invoice. Look quickly so as not to have any unpleasant surprises in your bank account!
Please note, this operator is further increasing its prices by discreetly notifying its customers at the bottom of their invoice. Look quickly so as not to have any unpleasant surprises…
Türk Telekom: “We are the most ready operator for 5G in Turkey”
Türk Telekom Support Services and Purchasing Management Deputy General Manager Mehmet Beytur said, “We are the most ready operator for 5G in Turkey.” said. The following was briefly stated on…
You will soon pay more for your internet box if you subscribe to this operator
One of the largest internet operators in France has warned its subscribers of an increase in its services. You will have to watch your next bills. Mobile operators and Internet…