Tag: obligations
A recent decree requires a change of rules to users of bicycles and scooters. But it has passed so discreetly that many ignore their new obligations.
A recent decree requires a change of rules to users of bicycles and scooters. But it has passed so discreetly that many ignore their new obligations. It is a decree…
Accountants, De Nuccio: “Summer moratorium for tax obligations and payments”
(Finance) – “An intervention that we consider priority for a more functional calendar is the introduction of a summer moratorium of tax obligations and payments, including installments, taxes and contributions.…
CONSOB launches consultation on information obligations of crowdfunding service providers
(Finance) – The CONSOB ha launched a market consultationlasting 30 days, aimed at collecting the evidence and opinions of operators regarding the adoption of the set of information obligations that…
France will respect its obligations “rigorously” but…
While the International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu, France is stuck between its obligations to the ICC and the desire to improve its relations with…
these obligations that he must respect in order not to go to prison
Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been indicted on a series of organized crime charges. He has been released on bail and ordered to comply with certain obligations. Arrested Saturday in…
Cooperative compliance, obligations and concordat, accountants: corrective decree is good
(Finance) – The National Council of Accountants expresses appreciation for the corrective decree regarding cooperative complianceobligations and the two-year preventive agreement approved today by the Council of Ministers. decreein fact,…
“I’m afraid for my real obligations”
A new tactical dice game was released on Steam this month, and the first reviews have already received 98% positive ratings. What game is this about? Slice & Dice is…
The European Commission adopts a partial exemption from fallow obligations in 2024
The European Commission adopted this Tuesday, February 13, a partial exemption from fallow obligations in 2024. This exemption was demanded by some farmers during the major demonstrations in January in…
Professions, Cataldi (Ungdcec): stop obligations for accountants
(Finance) – “The category of chartered accountants is experiencing a delicate moment between the lack of real tax simplification and the increase in responsibilities. It’s a profession that has become…
New obligations for electric car brands coming from China
There were concerns about after sales. That’s why new obligations have been imposed on new electric car brands coming from China. Last night Official newspaper As reported above, for brands…