Tag: objective
2024 Olympics: at the close of the Games, “the objective has been exceptionally achieved”
The pressure of the Olympic Games rested on the shoulders of the French athletes, who were expected to deliver. President Emmanuel Macron had set the tone by hoping for a…
Saras, Vitol’s mandatory takeover bid begins at 1.6 euros. Delisting objective
(Finance) – Varas, which reports to Vitolannounces that the conditions for the mandatory takeover bid have been met Saras aimed at removing the company, which belonged to Moratti, from the…
Pascal Mahé: “If the result is to be second or third, the objective is not achieved”
INTERVIEW. Olympic medalist in Barcelona in 1992 with the French handball team, world champion in 1995, Pascal Mahé is one of the great players in the history of French handball.…
The deployment of ultra-high definition DTT continues at a sustained pace. Some 32 million households can now receive France 2 in UHD. Objective: complete coverage of the territory for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
The deployment of ultra-high definition DTT continues at a sustained pace. Some 32 million households can now receive France 2 in UHD. Objective: complete coverage of the territory for the…
The deployment of ultra-high definition DTT continues at a sustained pace. More than 30 million households can now receive France 2 in UHD. Objective: complete coverage of the territory for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
The deployment of ultra-high definition DTT continues at a sustained pace. More than 30 million households can now receive France 2 in UHD. Objective: complete coverage of the territory for…
Work safety, the Commission takes office. Objective zero victims
(Finance) – A Commission is born with the precise aim of preventing accidents at work. The Workplace Safety Commission established by the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio, in agreement with…
CDP, Scannapieco: “We have exceeded the investment objective set out in the Plan”
(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti approved the 2023 budget which closes with a record net profit of 3 billion euros, up 23% compared to…
what does the 3% objective correspond to? – The Express
Today, Thibault Marotte, from the Economy department of L’Express, explains to us what the 3% deficit rule corresponds to. READ ALSO: Public deficit: the government’s risky bet FIND ALL THE…
the unspoken objective of Gabriel Attal – L’Express
Since his arrival at Matignon, he has never hidden it: Gabriel Attal wants to tighten the rules of unemployment insurance by another notch, a recurring theme of the executive since…
the 2023 objective will be “difficult” to meet, according to Bercy – L’Express
The recovery of public accounts promises to be more difficult than expected. According to an anonymous source from the Ministry of the Economy cited by AFP on Monday February 19,…