Tag: nutritional
What is morel mushroom, what are its benefits? How to cook lamb belly, what is its nutritional value?
Lamb Gourd is a widely used plant that grows in many regions of Turkey. The scientific name is “Cotyledon orbiculata”, the morel is an aquatic plant species and can usually…
What are the benefits of broccoli, how is it consumed in the most beneficial way? What does broccoli do, what is its nutritional value?
Broccoli, which is usually green in color, is a vegetable with high nutritional value and provides many health benefits. Broccoli is a rich source of vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium…
What are the benefits of white chickpeas, what is its nutritional value? How many calories in white chickpeas, does it make you gain weight?
Chickpeas is a food made by roasting chickpeas and is widely consumed, especially in the Middle East and Mediterranean region. White chickpeas have a firmer texture and mild flavor than…
10 nutritional tips to fill up on iron (and prevent anemia)
Iron is essential for the functioning of the immune system. But women are deficient each month at the time of menstruation as well as during pregnancy. In France, 25% of…
3 colors on the plate: here’s why you should try this nutritional tip
Preparing a balanced meal also involves choosing the colors of the foods that compose it. Discover an easy and fun way to eat healthier while enjoying yourself. In her book…
Awakening: A rosy picture of the war in Ukraine | The nutritional value of vegetarian dishes fluctuates
The main news of the morning: Expert: In Finland, the picture of the war in Ukraine is too rosy – and that is a very good thing for Ukraine The…
Vision loss, gait disturbances, weakness, urinary incontinence… The cause is not known exactly! What is MS disease? Special nutritional advice for MS patients
Stating that MS is an immune system disease, Neurology Specialist Doctor Faculty Member Yıldız Kaya draws attention to the importance of healthy and adequate nutrition of patients and makes important…
The Nutri-Score recognizes the nutritional quality of two out of three regional products
News Published on 05/10/2022 at 5:54 p.m. Updated 05/10/2022 at 5:54 p.m. Reading 2 mins. The Nutri-Score is accused of stigmatizing traditional French products. An unfounded accusation according to UFC-Que…
Nutri-Score: have teenagers adopted this nutritional logo?
News Published on 05/20/2022 at 4:46 p.m., Reading 2 mins. What is the perception of Nutri-Score by teenagers? A Public Health survey confirms that they have a good knowledge and…
Organic milk and meat would have better nutritional qualities
Consuming milk and meat from organic farming would increase the intake of omega-3, a saturated fatty acid with interesting nutritional properties for the body. Are foods from organic farming more…