Tag: NUS
Damaged man was found outside NUS – suspected attempted murder in Umeå
At 02.30 on the night before Wednesday, the man was found outside the hospital in Umeå. The man received care for his injuries. The injury situation is unclear. Police have…
Patient at NUS got the wrong syringe – had to be cared for at IVA: “Could have led to death”
A patient would be anesthetized before surgery and got a vein catheter inserted. When flushed clean with saline, the syringe was incorrectly labeled – instead the patient got muscle relaxation.…
Staffing crisis at the emergency department at NUS in Umeå ahead of the summer – half are missing
When the Care Union’s strike was activated last week, elected representatives came out and said that care workers should not work the extra shifts that were posted during the summer.…
Anna-Karin’s back surgery at NUS in Umeå was postponed several times during the care conflict
On April 21, Anna-Karin Långström is injured when she falls off the young horse Lussan at home on the farm in Södra Bredåker outside Boden. At Sunderbyn Hospital, she is…
Former reinforcement mode at NUS is being phased out – improved care location mode
It is still a strained situation, but now the reinforcement mode that Norrland University Hospital has been in since June 29 is being phased out. – The situation has gradually…