Tag: Norrbotten
Salmonella among small birds in Norrbotten – cats infected
In recent weeks, about twenty reports of small birds that have died in Salmonella in Norrbotten and Västerbotten have come to the National Veterinary Institute. – It doesn’t sound much…
Tourism is increasing in Norrbotten – want northern lights and dog sledges
Tourism in Sweden is growing for the third year in a row – last year the number of guest nights rose by 0.7 percent. The biggest increase was in Norrbotten,…
Gunilla Röör about starving cultural coverage in Norrbotten
NSD, Piteå magazine and Norran in Skellefteå are examples of local magazines that no longer have a regular cultural editorial, and since Monday it also applies to Norrbottens-Kuriren-a decision motivated…
Powerful northern lights await – may cause power outages in Norrbotten
The chance of seeing the northern lights decreases the further south you go in the country, approximately at the latitudes around Stockholm and Gothenburg. In Kiruna it is visible almost…
More than 8000 percent more expensive electricity today in southern Sweden than in Norrbotten
The record-breaking differences are due to the fact that the wind turbines in northern Sweden are running at full production and at the same time there is no wind in…
Blixthalka in Norrbotten – all bus traffic in Luleå was cancelled
– The buses start either from Smedjegatan or from a starting stop in outer areas. It will therefore take a while before we operate fully according to the timetable again,…
Wolves were tortured in a scissor trap hidden in reindeer carcasses – reindeer herders from Norrbotten risk prison
It was in April 2021 that the suspected hunting crime was discovered when staff from the County Administrative Board discovered a reindeer carcass and predator shears where the wolverine was…
Psychiatry in Norrbotten goes into staff mode
The staff situation means that the situation at psychiatry is followed up daily as the situation is considered “challenging”. Tomorrow, October 1, the inpatient psychiatry in Piteå also closes. This…
See cyber attacks in real time – Norrbotten learns to defend itself
The IT attack against the municipality of Kalix in December 2021, when the entire municipality’s IT system was knocked out, was an awakening for many people in Norrbotten about how…
Took offensive photos of colleagues – officer in Norrbotten is fired
The offending photographs took place in the years 2017-2021. It is about three different women who have all been employed by the Armed Forces. When the police searched the man’s…