Tag: Norma
“Norma”, an immersive, deadly and captivating show
The immersive show “Norma”, the latest creation from the Big Drama production, is playing in Paris until March 31. “My darling orphans, my jewelers. If you receive this message, it…
Norma sifts through 300-year-old municipal council minutes in Wijk bij Duurstede: ‘Even then dog poop, favoritism and quarrels were on the agenda’
Norma Mulder (74) from Wijk bij Duurstede is busy every Thursday morning: typing out the minutes of the municipal council meeting. But then the city council meetings of a few…
Norma, evanescent rocker – Culture guest
Cultural guest She is considered one of the great promises of female rock. At 32, the French singer returns with a second album, entitled Hell Love. A homemade disc, pop…