A1 between Amersfoort and Apeldoorn closed due to farmers’ protest: ‘It has come to a complete standstill’
Amersfoort – The A1 will be closed in both directions from Amersfoort to Apeldoorn because of the farmers’ protest in Stroe, the police reported. “We see that it has completely…
Agriculture minister does not go to the farm in Renswoude due to ‘security concerns’ of the farmer
According to ChristenUnie leader Gert-Jan Segers, Minister Staghouwer “would have liked to have been there on Friday”, but that is not safe and sensible if it threatens to be at…
Minister Van der Wal does not adjust nitrogen plan after criticism of VVD members
Province of Utrecht – Minister Christianne van der Wal of Nitrogen does not want to adjust her nitrogen plan, not even now that a narrow majority of VVD members think…
Nitrogen plans announced: Gelderse Vallei emissions must be reduced by 58 percent
Renswoude – Nitrogen emissions in the Gelderse Vallei must be reduced by 58 percent. Minister Christianne van der Wal (VVD) announced this this afternoon. That percentage can be even higher…
Valley farmers anxiously and resignedly await The Hague’s nitrogen strategy: ‘I can’t imagine a valley without farmers’
“Livestock shrinkage should be a consequence, not a goal” and “there are problems, but now we are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs”. These are two sentences that…
Province debates budget: ‘There are limits to growth’
JA21, the second largest opposition party, approached growth from a different perspective. Party chairman Wouter Weijers prefers not to see the expected population growth in the coming years as an…