Tag: nitrogen
What is nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen dioxide gas, what are its harms? What does nitrogen dioxide smell like? Is it harmful?
Nitrogen dioxide gas is a compound that has a pungent odor and usually has a yellowish-brown color. This gas is harmful to human health and long-term exposure may impair lung…
Members of Parliament: Minister must continue with nitrogen approach
Nearly 200 members of parliament call on Minister of Agriculture Femke Wiersma (BBB) in a letter to allow the National Rural Area Program (NPLG) to continue. The letter is an…
Province of Utrecht calls scrapping current nitrogen approach ‘worrying’
The province says it will simply continue to achieve the current goals. “We can no longer leave people in uncertainty and we want to work on perspective. Particularly because there…
Utrecht will still give nitrogen space to Schiphol
The fact that the airport bought the nitrogen space was an unpleasant surprise for the province. Because they want to use the nitrogen space for their own projects. For this…
The province of Utrecht wants to give PAS detectors priority in the nitrogen bank
The released nitrogen space always benefits nature first. If it turns out not to be necessary for nature restoration, the province can use the nitrogen space differently. “Although it is…
Research: provinces are not achieving nitrogen targets with current plans
Outgoing Minister of Nature and Nitrogen Christianne van der Wal: “A task of unprecedented magnitude, the government should not wait for perfect plans that have been worked out in every…
Farming family emigrated from Harmelen to France: ‘They don’t have a nitrogen problem here’
With a truck full of all their belongings, the family left for Gourin, a town in the Brittany region, on June 15. A number of friends of sons Bart (24),…
Kenneth Eugene Smith, sentenced to death, was executed with nitrogen in Alabama
It was the first capital execution using nitrogen in the United States and the world. It took place this Thursday, January 25 in a penitentiary in Alabama, in the south…
US executes man with nitrogen gas – supporters say it’s a humane method of execution, critics say it’s cruel | Foreign countries
The state of Alabama carried out the first execution by nitrogen gas in the United States. The executed person had received the death sentence for murder Kenneth Smith58. He was…
First execution by nitrogen gas in the USA – likened to torture
Smith was sentenced to death in 1988 for a murder of a 45-year-old woman that he carried out on behalf of the woman’s husband. Since then was imprisoned awaiting execution.…