Tag: Netherlands
Man arrested for rape of wife (69) in Bilthoven
In the night from Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 May the man arrived again. The woman tried to chase him away with an object, but that didn’t work. During a…
Community service for Amersfoortse who made friend with vacuum cleaner rod
According to the judge, there is an attempt at severe abuse. The woman receives a 150 -hour community service for this and a conditional prison sentence of one month. She…
Justice demands prison sentences for radical autonomous from Utrecht and Den Dolder
Difference between autonomous and sovereign Autonomous citizens believe that the government cannot exercise power over them and consciously place themselves outside of society. They refuse to pay certain taxes and…
Response Municipality of Utrecht to anxiety culture at Veegdienst: ‘Not belonging to us’
Response Municipality of Utrecht All employees of the municipality of Utrecht deserve a safe and pleasant workplace. Situations where people feel unpleasant or unsafe, as described in the article, do…
Anxiety culture at Utrechtse Veegdienst, managers share racist pictures in app group
“I still have nightmares about my work,” says Amir*. He works at the Neighborhood Maintenance and Service department of the municipality of Utrecht where there is an anxiety culture. Employees…
After fierce criticism, Rhenen goes in search of a new location for AZC: ‘had expected emotions, but not to this extent’
“The proposal on the reception in Elst has evoked many emotions among residents in a short time. Especially in Elst,” says Alderman Gert van Laar. In the village, for example,…
112 news: Amersfoort woman seriously injured after Val | Loos Brandalarm at the Paardenveld police station
Police station Paardenveld on the Kroonstraat in Utrecht was evacuated for a short time this morning. The fire alarm went off, but that turned out to be a false alarm.…
Utrecht people arrested for money laundering of more than 1 million in care money
The suspects came into the picture at the Labor Inspectorate because the healthcare institutions had few staff. “That was an indication for us,” the spokesperson explains. “Because if you provide…
The suspect of brutal rape Woerden refuses psychological research: ‘only costs time and money’
The woman was brutally raped by him several times. She always shouted that he hurt her and begged him to stop, but that seemed to excite him even more, she…
Utrecht bridges safe, elsewhere there is a threat of traffic nuisance
A construction error in dozens of bridges and viaducts throughout the Netherlands can cause great traffic disruption in the future. The constructions wear faster than provided. As a result, there…