Tag: Netherlands
One and a half years in prison and TBS for Utrechter who extorted vulnerable neighbors in Rivierenwijk
Ricky is mentally retarded, has psychological problems and is heavily addicted. If he is not treated, he will continue to break in, rob and extort vulnerable elderly people to earn…
Artificial reefs should improve biodiversity in Utrecht’s canals: ‘It’s good, but it could be better’
Fish that currently swim in the Utrecht canals are pike, bream and oride. They enter the city via the Vecht and the Krommerijn. “People who have looked at the fish…
Lesson at primary school about transgressive behaviour: ‘It is quite easy to end up in such a situation’
UTRECHT – With the start of spring, the week of Spring Jitters also starts today. A project week for primary schools of the Rutgers sexuality center, which is completely devoted…
Veenendaal in mourning after the death of councilor Mila Jansen (37): ‘So young, so unfair’
“It is with great sadness that we learned of the very sudden death of Mila. So young, so unfair”, says Lokaal Veenendaal. “For years, Mila has devoted herself with heart…
Ukrainian refugees with disabilities received in Overvecht
Many volunteers help with the reception of the refugees. A lot has to be arranged in the first few days, such as registration with the municipality, medical help and living…
Teacher Roy stands as a princess in front of the class to raise money for Ukraine
Meanwhile, the counter of the action at almost 5000 euros. “Yeah, it got a bit out of hand,” Roy admits with a laugh. Where does all the money come from?…
The seesaw season is open again: stone gardens are being greened in 14 Utrecht municipalities
The NK Tegelwippen is intended as an incentive for municipalities and residents to go green. Participating municipalities can online specify flipped tiles. Whoever exchanges the most stone for green per…
Compensation for informal carers has fallen in many municipalities in recent years
In addition to the fact that the amounts that informal carers receive are becoming lower, the valuation is also complicated, sees MantelzorgNL. For example, the bonus sometimes serves several purposes,…
Nibud concerned about withdrawal of large amount of money at the start of pension
Another option that pension participants will have in the future is to have the pension higher in the first years than in subsequent years. The standard benefit as we have…
Security Council looks back on its own role during the corona crisis
In the meantime, the council has already prepared the next crisis with the refugee flow from Ukraine. Tonight there will be an extra, digital meeting where the reception places for…