Tag: Netherlands
Reinforcement of ‘important’ Lekdijk starts: ‘Protects about half the Randstad’
The floodplains of the Salmsteke recreation area in Lopik will be overhauled from today. The work is the starting signal for the long-term ‘Sterke Lekdijk’ project, which will take at…
College of Human Rights: ‘Protect scientists better’
Geel states that freedom of expression in the Netherlands is ‘undeniably’ under pressure. According to her, the polarization that has arisen as a result of the corona measures is an…
The province is critical of the nitrogen plans and mainly lacks support
There are also criticisms from other groups. The CDA co-governs in the province, but party chairman Chris Westerlaken does not just plan to impose the nitrogen reduction targets on farmers…
Regional transporters will lay down their work on Monday for a better collective labor agreement
Utrecht – In large parts of the province of Utrecht, regional transport will not run on Monday because drivers and other employees will stop working. They do this in Bunnik,…
Leerdam primary schools startled by ‘ wanton ‘ boys with balaclavas
The Hobbiton and the Stargazer, among others, received unannounced visits from the two. The police say that the boys were quickly recognized and that it was a ” wanton ”…
No more traffic jams on national roads after farmers protest
There are no more traffic jams on the highways. Tractors are still in use in various places in the country. Also on the A12 towards Utrecht, the recovery work is…
Utrecht will receive 100 asylum seekers in Hoograven: ‘Situation in Ter Apel very distressing’
The location in Hoograven is available for one month until August 1 at the latest. The shelter is suitable for men, women and families who are waiting for their asylum…
Fire in the house of arrested Utrechter who threatened with a weapon
The man with the firearm was arrested last night after he allegedly threatened a local resident with the weapon. The police came to the scene, but the man refused to…
No more traffic jams on national roads after farmer’s protest, but still salvage work on A12
There are no more traffic jams on the highways. Tractors are still in use in various places in the country. Also on the A12 towards Utrecht, the recovery work is…
How can the N201 be safer? The province has new plans
The province of Utrecht has been working on the future plans of the N201 for years. There is now a plan to adapt the road in several places, in order…